Lifestyle Family Photography: First Anniversary
One year ago today, I officially launched my little business and this website.
So today, I’m celebrating my first official year of Tiffany Mizzell Photography!!
I vividly remember my overwhelming excitement and terror sharing my new venture on social media that night of October 24th 2017 (at 6:43 PM to be exact), for everyone to see and judge. I had put it off for months, scared to put myself out there and fear of failing. But I’m SO thankful that I did, because look where it’s taken me! I started this business, during a difficult time in my life, but through my photography I found so much joy. This path has forced me to step outside my comfort zone and to take risk that I’d normally wouldn’t take. And the best part is all the incredible families and businesses who have invited me into their lives to capture such beautiful memories and milestones.
How lucky am I? I get to do something I love and share it with all of you!
Celebrating my first year with my boy, the reason I picked up camera and took this career leap!
Cheers to another year…